Spotlight – NuStep Walking Challenge

“NuStep, NuME!” I recently had my annual visit with my PCP and for the first time, my blood work was a bit concerning. We discussed medication or a life style change. I opted to try life style changes and then I seen the “NuStep Walking Challenge” fliers posted throughout the building. I figured this would be a great time to take advantage of the equipment that is available for the residents to use. I was so excited about this challenge, I thought how fun for my son and I go be able to go to a baseball game together! I accomplished the 8 miles to and from Bellmead and the Wild Things stadium in ONE day! A big Thank you to Jessie our Service Coordinator, SeniorCare Network and the Washington Wild Things!

Several of our affordable housing communities have NuStep machines. Learn more about our affordable housing communities in the Affordable Housing section of our website.